Zero Tolerance Act (adopted 2011 – revised 2017)


A. Coaches/Players/Parents/Spectators

              1. May not yell any form of criticism

              2. May not make derogatory comments

              3. May not use profanity, taunt, criticize, or jeer

              4. May not badger, name call, or use foul language

5. May never approach a player, coach, spectator, official, scorekeeper, league administrator, or site coordinator at any time before, during, or after game to question or comment negatively

6. Will respect all game officials and scorekeepers and refrain from abruptly questioning their decision. There will be no extensive discussion, comments or gestures regarding any judgment calls.

7. May not approach an official or scorekeeper in an abrasive or negative manner at any time before, during, or after game to question or comment negatively


B. Game Officials – must pledge to live up to high standards of ethics and training

1. Have sole authority in stopping game when coaches, parents, or spectators, are displaying inappropriate disruptive behavior that hinders the game. The officials will identify the violator(s) to Site Coordinator for observation and possible removal.

2. If, in the sole opinion of the official, the situation cannot be remedied by removal of offending person(s), the game will be stopped and the offending team will forfeit.

3. Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support of all players, coaches, fellow officials, and CYO administrators at all times.

4. Ensure knowledge of rules of each sport officiated, and apply those rules equitably to all participants, teams, and coaches.

5. Will not allow personal friendships and associations to influence their decisions during a contest.

6. Refrain from the use of tobacco and alcohol products when in the youth sports environment.

              7. Remember that youth sports are an opportunity for children to learn and have fun.

              8. Place the children’s safety above all else.

              9. Display patience and professionalism in the performance of their duties.


C. Consequences

1. Individuals who engage in the above behaviors will be subject to immediate ejection from facility/property.

a. Individuals who engage in the above behaviors will be automatically suspended for fifteen (15) days from all CYO property and events. The suspension will begin once advised by a league official of the suspension. This may occur verbally on site or with follow up communication from the Zone.

i. Elevated occurrences may require a more severe penalty, which will be determined, as appropriate, by the CYO Office and/or Zone Board. Such occurrences may disqualify team from advancement to post season play (Zone Play-off and City Tournament)

b. Individuals ejected from a second game within the same sport year (August – July) will automatically serve a 1-year suspension from all CYO property and events. This suspension will begin immediately.

c. If the ejected individual chooses not to leave facility/property when asked, the authorities will be called to have the individual removed.


D. Site Coordinator Responsibilities

              1. Responsible for supporting game officials’ decision 100% by:

         a. Removing coaches from games

         b. Observing parents/spectators at all times

                   i. Making decision to remove parents/spectators when violating Zero Tolerance Act. 

              2. Cannot be performing any other onsite duties such as gate, concession, etc.

3. Any Zone Board member or any Parish/School Board member from host site that is present has the authority and responsibility to enforce the Zero Tolerance Policy.

4. All ejections are to be reported to the Parish/School and Zone for immediate review to determine if additional suspension is warranted. Report must be submitted via email to the Parish/School/Zone Board Members and


E. Abusive Behavior & Safety - CYO Athletics will not tolerate any abusive behavior towards players, officials, or other spectators. We are committed to maintaining a safe and positive atmosphere in our programs.


F. Appeals Process - Appeal request for all suspensions with regards to the Zero Tolerance Act, must be submitted to the Zone Board by the affiliated Parish/School President within 48 hours of the occurrence. Parish/School CYO Program does not have the authority to overturn a Zero Tolerance suspension. Zone Board may decide to review the suspension if warranted. Suspension will remain in effect during the Appeals Process. Zone Board decision after review will be final for all 15 day suspensions. If suspension is longer than 15 days (season long or 1 year suspensions) an Appeal may be brought before the Executive Council by the affiliated Parish/School President. Appeals request to the Executive Council must be submitted to the CYO Director within 48 hours of the Zone decision.



As an outreach Ministry of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, volunteers effectively should serve as youth ministers, but within an athletic context. The mission of the CYO Athletics is a set of two equally emphasized missions, with the first leading to the second.

Therefore, the mission of the CYO Athletics is:

To offer to all youth sports and recreation programs emphasizing friendly competition through good sportsmanship modeled by adult participants. To invite all participants, Catholic and otherwise, youth and adults, to share in the life of their faith community.

The mission of the CYO athletic program includes:

Inviting all Catholic participants, youth and adults, to share in the life of their faith of their Parish/School through their CYO program and become involved in their Parish/School by attendance, religious education and formation programs. Establishing a working relationship between the Parish pastors/School Principal, the Parish/School and the Parish/School CYO community.

Encouraging ethical and moral behavior through the sports activities in the children, parents, coaches and fans as described below:

  • No cheating or the tolerating of cheating by others.
  • No alcohol or drunkenness, or any controlled/illegal substance, or using tobacco products during CYO activities.
  • No arguing, name-calling, foul language, personal attacks or fighting during CYO activities.
  • An opening and closing prayer by all CYO participants during the CYO activity.
  • To encourage fair play and sportsmanship
  • To give all participants the opportunity to play in their sports program; CYO players shall participate as fully as time and circumstances allow.






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